Basis of Virtual Particles

Basis of Virtual Particles

Space can be described as virtually empty or filled with virtual particles.  A manageable theory which explains it must be modular and developed in an agile manner.

Definition of Terms:

  • Virtual particle = A resonant oscillation in space that's not contained within a static electromagnetic field.
    • Pre-quark
  • Pair of virtual articles = The virtual particle and corresponding anti-virtual particle that appear together.
  • Hawking radiation = The energy a singularity contributes to a virtual particle in the form of a static electromagnetic field.
  • Evaporation = Corona effect = The process of a singularity losing it's electromagnetic shell to virtual particle collisions over time.
  • Uncontained gravitational collapse =

Matter out of "nothing"

When resonance between oscillations in space amplifies their strength a pair of virtual particles can be created.

Should this occur in the vicinity of a singularity then 1 virtual particle in the pair may encounter the outer boundary of it and aquire enough of a static electromagnetic field to turn the virtual particle into an actual one - a quark.

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