Basis of Resonance

Basis of Resonance

Our universe is built or constructed on resonance.  A manageable theory which explains it must be modular and developed in an agile manner

Our perception of resonance has changed little over the last half a century. decades.  There's a very poor reason for that.  But by considering the duality of the universe and the very nature (basis) of reality itself, we can understand things we'd otherwise need to simply accept on their surface value.


Definition of Terms:
  • Current definition of Resonance = The increase in power or capability (it's actually an increase in amplitude but very few perceive it that way) when one wave is similar enough to another (without being exactly the same) that it can be applied in short small amounts to cause a big effect. = It generates all waves (sine waves) and vibrations.
  • Proposed new definition of Resonance = When 2 or more propagating waves are close enough in frequency or direction that they exchange frequency, amplitude, or direction.  [2023-02-02 @ 03:21 AM]
    • This occurs due to the extremely small  contraction of space as a wave passes.
    • The greater the frequency of the wave the more space contracts.
    • Given that any change in the dimension of space is the passage of time (time moves forward as space expands and backward as space contracts) and waves with greater frequency cause a greater contraction:
      • Waves with greater frequency experience a larger dilation or slow down in time.
      • Waves with lower frequency can then "catch up" to waves with greater frequency.
      • It may seem backwards, but both waves would still be traveling at the same speed.
    • When 3 waves intersect to resonate they can form a corkscrew - a fully resonant wave.  Fully resonant electromagnetic waves (light, radio, etc...) are actually gravitational or gravity waves.
  • Entanglement = When 2 or 3 of something become part of the same resonant wave.
  • Noise =

Resonance has often been described as "getting something for nothing" which isn't true at all.  Given the rest of our understanding of our universe it makes no sense.  Whether that has bothered anyone over the years remains to be seen.

There's a very poor reason that resonance appears misunderstood.  Which may be the same reason more individuals haven't raised a concern about it.

Resonance affects the relative orbits of planets around a star and stars around a galaxy center.  It binds quarks together in 3s to form protons and neutrons.  It determines the shapes of electron orbitals and binds protons, neutrons, and electrons together into atoms.  The 3 body problem turns up again and again but solving it always requires resonance 

For some strange reason it's been slowly written out of physics.  The more accurate term is "stolen".  Which may provide an explanation for why dark matter is so mystifying.  [2023-02-02 @ 03:46 AM]


Science class exercise to demonstrate resonance which can no longer be found in textbooks.

The simplest exact example can be seen using 3 table tennis balls each with 3 disc magnetics placed inside them.


Technology used to [block or drown out] signals used by cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. is based on 2 principles:
  1. Transmit  a stronger and/or closer signal at the sane frequency(s) as the signal being blocked.
  2. Transmit a signal consisting of noise to drown out the signal being blocked  
It's possible to meet both principals as requirements using a single device - a resonant cavity.

Solutions for the 3 body problem can't be described with any set of discrete functions.  The values which would need to be produced are effectively random.  It's why the problem has resisted attempts at analysis.  It also draws attention to the existence of another duality.

  • Resonance
  • Noise

Knowing they're 2 sides of the same coin means mathematics can be on much better terms with random numbers.  It also means that artificial noise (any given form) that we create doesn't resonate because it's not even close to random.

Appendix of Predictions

Appendix of Updates

  • 2023-02-02 @ 03:21 AM
  • 2023-02-02 @ 03:46 AM

Appendix of Previous Versions

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