Proposed Answers to Questions version 1

2 or 3 Theory is an explanation of everything in our Universe

Theories have little to no value unless they can predict or provide answers.  Developing them in a modular and agile manner keeps pace with new knowledge gained across disciplines.  The list below contains a few theorized answers to familiar or unknown questions as a summary of theories.

These are theoretical answers and not being stated as fact (unless they've already been proven as such and the blog is slow to catch up).  There are facts being stated to explain the possible answers though.  What's considered a fact now may be found false a moment from now.  Please treat anything stated here as fact with the appropriate level of questioning.

  • What is dark matter?
    • There's at least 4 things which make up dark matter:  [2022-08-18 @ 11:23 PM]  [2022-08-23 @ 01:48 PM]
      • Relativistic gravity - From massive objects orbiting one another and generating relativistic gravity waves as their orbits decay and velocity increases.
      • Gravitational resonance - This works the same as resonance between sound waves or electromagnetic (radio) waves.
      • Magnetic resonance - Between the magnetic fields of quasars (supermassive singularities) and the rest of their galaxies.
      • Neutrinos - As propagating magnetic fields they have mass though it's individually small.
    • Starting with generally accepted facts:
      • When an object is accelerated through space toward the speed of light it's mass increases.
      • If an object actually reached the speed of light it's mass would become infinitely large.
    • Switching to theory:
      • The same increase in mass occurs to an object whether it's accelerated through space toward the speed of light or whether the space it occupies contains gravitational waves oscillating at speeds toward the speed of light.
      • Any 2 or more massive enough objects orbiting each other close enough can be a source of gravitational waves oscillating this way as their orbits decay and they fall toward each other.
        • Neutron stars
        • Singularities
  • What is dark energy?  [2022-08-23 @ 04:42 PM]
    • It's an illusion of what appear to be other galaxies, etc... accelerating away from us and is caused by 2 things:
      • The weakening of space local to Earth.
      • The Earth's mass increasing.
    • Starting with generally accepted fact:
      • A pervasive electric field (classical context) and magnetic field (classical context) exist throughout all space in our universe.
    • Switching to theory:
      • They're a duality that's important to note because:
        • Depleting or decreasing the strength of one or the other can weaken space itself.
        • Our electrical generating and delivery infrastructure isn't perfectly efficient so we've been running an overall deficit since electricity became common.
      • We've inadvertently weakened space enough in our corner of the universe that it's losing "elasticity".
      • The Earth is sinking into a region where space is stretching while we weaken it.
      • Everything we can look out into our universe to see now appears to be accelerating away from us.
      • It's a very real illusion.
  • What is gravity?  [2022-08-01 @ 03:38 PM]
    • It's another example of a duality so there are 2 answers:
      • A resonant oscillation contained within an electric or magnetic field.
        • This definition means it's a "virtual" particle when not within a field.  [2022-08-14 @ 03:37 PM]. [2022-09-04 @ 02:29 AM]
      • Electromagnetic current.
  • What is "regular" matter and antimatter?  [2022-09-04 @ 12:24 AM]
    • "Regular" matter = A resonant electric oscillation contained within a static electric field which results in an outer magnetic field.
    • Antimatter = A resonant magnetic oscillation contained within a static magnetic field which results in an outer electric field.
      • This is also the structure of "ball lightning".

      At small enough scales, both the electric and magnetic fields become indistinguishable and are then an electromagnetic field.  This is why matter and antimatter are essentially identical though their  field combinations are opposites, will cancel each other out with direct contact, and release their respective resonant oscillations in the annihilation.

  • What is time?
    • Starting with generally accepted fact:
      • Time and space are inseparable such that referring to either as space-time makes more sense than individually.
      • The more massive an object is the slower time passes near it.
      • Accelerating an object across space towards the speed of light causes it's mass to increase and slows the passage of time near it.
    • Switching to theory:
      • Any change in the dimension of space is experienced as the passage of time.
      • The arrow of time moves forward when space expands.
      • The arrow of time moves backward when space contracts.
      • For time to pass more slowly near a massive object means the normal expansion of space is slightly offset or reduced near massive objects.
  • What is time?
    • Starting with generally accepted fact:
      • Time and space are inseparable such that referring to either as space-time makes more sense than individually.
      • The more massive an object is the slower time passes near it.
      • Accelerating an object across space towards the speed of light causes it's mass to increase and slows the passage of time near it.
    • Switching to theory:
      • Any change in the dimension of space is experienced as the passage of time.
      • The arrow of time moves forward when space expands.
      • The arrow of time moves backward when space contracts.
      • For time to pass more slowly near a massive object means the normal expansion of space is slightly offset or reduced near massive objects.
  • What are neutrinos?
    • Starting with generally accepted fact:
      • Have no electric charge.
      • Predicted to have no mass but instead have extremely low masses.
      • Shift from one type or "flavor" to another as they propagate through space.
      • Rarely interact with matter.
      • Correlate with increased rates of radioactive decay for radioactive elements but only during the winter season.
    • Switching to theory:
      • Through process of elimination they must be: propagating magnetic fields with the magnetic poles "separated".  So neutrinos are also:
        • Magnetic current
        • Oscillating current 
      • This means that radioactive decay does not occur spontaneously and decay rates are by no means fixed or constant.
      • It also means that heavier elements than those created so far can likely  be synthesized.
      • The lifespans or half-lives of new elements can be increased by shielding against or deflecting away neutrinos.
  • What are quarks made of?
    • At any scope or scale when a resonant oscillation is contained within a static electromagnetic field - it's technically a singularity.  [2022-07-28 @ 02:05 PM]
      • To be specific it's a resonant oscillation contained within a static electric field contained within a magnetic field.  [2022-08-23 @ 04:32 PM]
  • What is ball lightning?  [2022-08-13 @ 04:13 PM]
    • It's a static electromagnetic field turned inside out:
      • Instead of a static electric field surrounded by a magnetic field it's a static magnetic field surrounded by an electric field.
      • It may provide a partial explanation for what is anti-matter in the form of an anti-quark.  [2022-08-14 @ 03:44 PM]
      • It may also be the basis for part of the reason why the Earth's mass is increasing.  [2022-08-23 @ 04:34 PM]
  • How does a magnetar form?  [2022-08-05 @ 03:40 PM]
    • From the collapse of a star spinning so quickly that gravitational waves aren't able to fully resonate in all directions:
      • This means the static electric field produced by the star isn't strong enough to match it's magnetic field and form a containing static electromagnet field as a singularity.
      • The faster the star spins the weaker its static electric field may be.
      • As the star goes through cycles of expansion and contraction (pulsing) near the end of it's life and gravity waves resonate to collapse it, the lack of a strong enough static electromagnetic field to create standing gravitational waves keeps the star from collapsing all the way to a singularity.
      • It partially collapses and it's magnetic field then dominates over it's electric field.
  • What causes a type 1a supernova?  [2022-08-11 @ 01:56 PM]
    • Once a white dwarf has acquired enough super heated material to build up a static electric field of sufficient strength on it's surface and the rotation of the white dwarf twists the magnetic field and electric fields to the point of generating one of more massive gravitational waves that resonate then a type 1a supernova occurs.
  • What's the difference between electric current and magnetic current?
    • Why is this even a question?
      • Electric current is a moving electric field with the electric charges "separated".
      • Magnetic current is a moving magnetic field with the magnetic poles "separated".
      • They're another example of a duality and it's important to note this because:
        • Electric current is to electricity as...
        • Magnetic current is to neutrinos or oscillating current.
  • Why are we still so dependent on rocket launches to reach space?
    • I don't know if the reverse of this question was ever answered.  Knowing that question has a reverse is key:
      • Starting with generally accepted fact:
        • A pervasive electric field (classical context) and magnetic field (classical context) exist throughout all space in our universe.
        • Both fields are able to lose or gain their respective potentials.
      • Switching to theory:
        • When electric field potential decreases it causes a corresponding decrease in the strength of magnetic fields.
          • Not so helpful in this context.
        • When electric field potential increases it causes a corresponding increase in the strength of magnetic fields.
          • Potentially very helpful in this context.
        • Nothing is guaranteed - the possibility is still remote - but this may allow angular momentum alone to provide the power rockets are currently needed for.
  • What are quarks made of?
    • At any scope or scale when a resonant oscillation in space across frequencies or wavelengths (how many?) in space (the electric and magnetic fields) is contained within a static electromagnetic field it's technically a: singularity.
    • [2022-07-28 @02:05 PM Per what sounded like needed clarification on the item above: Quarks are singularities.]
  • What caused or came before the "Big Bang"?
    • Well, we need to define "before". And unfortunately, the answer makes little sense when explained going back in time.  It should make sense at the very end when the arrow of time for the answer is reversed.
      • 0 - A "Big Bang" of space-time results.
      • 1 - The second law of thermodynamics is violated.
      • 2 - Time continues running backwards as space contracts. As space contracts to the moment it came into existence and time ceases an increase in entropy occurs.
      • 3. The momentum of a spinning, collapsing, increasingly resonant across frequencies (how many?) region of space contracts space all the way to the beginning of time.
      • 4. A massive object - possibly a star - within an increasingly strong static electromagnetic field
  • What exactly are neutron stars?
    • Partially clothed singularities?
  • What would happen if an object accelerated through space toward the speed of light was somehow able to reach the speed of light?
    • It would exit time and space.
    • [2022-07-28 @02:07 PM Per what sounded like needed clarification on the item above: The object would "become" or "enter" a singularity.]
  • Why does time only appear to move forward?
    • Any change in the dimension of space is time.
    • When the dimension of space expands, the arrow of time moves forward.
      • This is what we're most familiar with and why time seems to only move forward.
    • When the dimension of space contracts, the arrow of time moves backwards.
      • We don't often get to see this close up.
  • Why is the Earth's magnetic field weakening or moving?  [2022-08-11 @ 09:54 PM]  [2022-08-23 @ 02:07 PM]
    • The Earth's core - being made mostly of iron and more solid than liquid - has an internal static electric field and corresponding external magnetic field.
    • Excess amounts of oscillating current produced by human activities have been making their way downward:
      • Radio
      • Cell phones and towers
      • Bluetooth, Wifi, etc...
    • Just as resonance can produce "virtual particles" (resonant oscillations) from the background oscillation of empty space, the same can occur within the Earth.
    • When that happens near an object with a static electric field, the "virtual particle" may acquire enough of its own from it to become a real particle - a quark.
      • The protective electromagnetic field are the singularity loses energy each time this happens.
    • When it happens near the Earth's core and part of it's static electric field is lost it weakens the corresponding magnetic field.
    • As for why the Earth's magnetic field is moving... I don't know enough to try and answer that.
  • Why is the Earth's mass increasing?  [2022-08-23 @ 02:11 PM]
    • It's due to oscillating current making it's way into the Earth and resonating.
    • The reason for that would be a separate question:
      • The Earth is gaining mass due to the large amount of excess oscillating current produced by human activities from:
        • Radio
        • Cell phones and towers
        • Bluetooth, Wifi, etc...
      • That excess oscillating current ends up moving downward into the planet where resonance has 2 effects:
        • Adding resonant oscillations in a magnetic field within a static electric field, the Earth is becoming one giant "ball lightning".
        • It produces "virtual particles" which may acquire their own static electric field by taking it from the Earth's core.
          • This can result in real particles being created but the contribution to the Earth's mass is miniscule.
  • What determines prime numbers?  [2022-08-21 @ 12:04 PM]  [2022-08-23 @ 01:51 PM]
    • The rules for how magnetic fields from a number of cubic shapes assemble to the most stable magnetic field configuration determine whether the number is prime or not.
    • The underlying basis for this is resonance of 2 or 3.
  • How will our Universe end?
    • If we do nothing:
    • If we try making the next one:

Appendix of Updates

  • 2022-07-21 @ 10:52 AM
  • 2022-06-20 @ 06:20 PM
  • 2022-07-28 @ 02:05 PM
  • 2022-07-28 @ 02:07 PM
  • 2022-07-29 @ 02:58 AM
  • 2022-08-01 @ 03:38 PM
  • 2022-08-05 @ 03:40 PM
  • 2022-08-11 @ 01:56 PM
  • 2022-08-11 @ 09:54 PM
  • 2022-08-13 @ 04:13 PM
  • 2022-08-14 @ 03:37 PM
  • 2022-08-14 @ 03:44 PM
  • 2022-08-18 @ 11:23 PM
  • 2022-08-21 @ 12:04 PM
  • 2022-08-23 @ 01:48 PM
  • 2022-08-23 @ 01:51 PM
  • 2022-08-23 @ 02:07 PM
  • 2022-08-23 @ 02:11 PM
  • 2022-08-23 @ 04:32 PM
  • 2022-08-23 @ 04:34 PM
  • 2022-08-23 @ 04:42 PM
  • 2022-09-04 @ 12:24 AM
  • 2022-09-04 @ 02:29 AM

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