Basis of Uncertainty

Basis of Uncertainty 

Basis of Electricity

Basis of Electricity 

Definition of Terms

  • Electrical field =

  • Electrical force =

  • Electric current = When traveling through wire or power lines it reflects to form a standing wave back to it's source:
    • No net transfer of energy occurs.
    • Only electric potential is transferred

  • Electricity =

Appendix of Updates

  • 2022-06-26 @ 11:04 AM

Basis of Static Fields

Basis of Static Fields

Our universe is a duality which is spanned by space-time or approaches the single point of a singularity.

Electrostatics explain space's field potentials, realized work, and how it's harnessed using electromagnetism.  A manageable theory which explains it must be modular and developed in an agile manner.

Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a singularity and space-time we exist in.
  • Space = Any region where the electric, magnetic, and duality fields are present with fluctuating oscillations.
  • Time = A change or oscillation in the dimension of space. Time moves forward when space expands and backward when space contracts for a given region of space.
  • Space-time = The name used when describing  space and time due to their inseparable nature.
  • Electric field = A standing electric wave (oscillating electric charges).
    • Standing electric waves form on the inner boundary or surface of a static magnetic field.
  • Static electric field =  A stationary electric field which normally doesn't vary over time.
    • The field from rubbing a balloon on one's head or walking on carpet is a static electric field.
  • Non-static electric field = Electricity = A propagating electric field.
  • Magnetic field = A standing magnetic wave.
    • Standing magnetic waves form on the outer boundary or surface of a static electric field.
  • Static magnetic field = A stationary magnetic field which normally doesn't vary over time.
    • The field from a permanent magnet is a static magnetic field.
    • The field from a DC electromagnet is a static magnetic field.
  • Non-static magnetic field = Neutrino = Oscillating current = A propagating magnetic field.
  • Gravity field = A standing gravity wave (resonant).
    • Standing gravity waves form on the outer or inner boundary or surface of a static electromagnetic field.
  • Fermi paradox = Why no confirmed evidence of non-terrestrial intelligence?

Whether made by humans or part of the natural world, a static electric or magnetic field forms under the following conditions:
  • Physical contact between 2 or more materials.
  • They differ in conductive or insulative properties.
  • Electromagnetic waves are present.
When those 3 criteria are met, electromagnetic waves separate or dissociate into electric or magnetic waves.  If those form standing waves then an electric or magnetic field results.  The 2 fields are inseparable such that generating an electric field forms a surrounding magnetic field and vice versa.  [2023-03-06 @ 12:46 PM]

Observed properties of the electric field:
  • As potential is depleted or removed from the electric field it weakens or lessens the strength of magnetic fields for a given region of space.
  • The assumption follows that restoring or adding potential to the electric field should strengthen or increase magnetic field strength for a given region of space.
    • Possible applications include stronger magnets without necessarily developing new materials.
    • Electrical generators that produce more output for a given amount of work than prior.

How static electric fields form:  [2023-02-01 @ 07:32 AM]
  • Any 2 materials which differ in conductive or insulative properties will produce a static electric field when in physical contact with the presence of a resonant wave.
    • This occurs any time 2 differing materials are in contact which either means there's no place on earth to escape them (sound or radio) or another type has been overlooked.
      • Neutrinos may therefore be resonant waves of some time.  Specifically, resonant magnetic waves.
    • Non-static magnetic fields continuously passing through the point(s) of contact convert electric potential to a static electric field.
  • A field is produced more rapidly when the materials differ more in their conductive and insulative properties and produced slower when they differ less.
  • A field is strongest the more insulative both materials are.
  • A field is weakest the more conductive both materials are.
  • There are ways to increase the rate a field is produced:
    • Increasing temperature or vibration or sound.
    • Applying resonant waves passing through points of physical contact.
      • Sound waves
      • Radio waves
      • Gravitational waves =  a combination of both sound and radio.

How static electric fields end:  [2023-02-01 @ 07:32 AM]
  • A static electric field ends when:
    • Magnetic current is applied which separates the field's charges and results in electric current.
    • Resonant waves contained within the field form standing waves which become gravitational waves and the field collapses under its own gravity.
Some properties of static electric fields:  [2023-02-01 @ 07:32 AM]
  • Depending on the strength of the field, waves from their inner and outer surfaces can reflect (partially or entirely) to form standing waves.
    • If the dimension of the field is unchanging then waves contained within it form standing waves
  • Waves contained in a static electric field form standing waves when they reflect or partially reflect from the fields inner surface.
  • Waves not contained in a static electric field reflect or partially reflect from the surface of a field.  This may or may not be considered a standing wave.
  • Waves contained in 2 separate static electric fields - when the fields come into contact with each other will:
    • "Combine" in a particular way(s).
  • Light striking a static electric field can reflect or partially reflect from it's outer surface and be imparted with spin from waves contained inside the field.
    • Someone seeing light reflected this way can "hear" the waves (for sound) through site.
    • [Research the biological basis for this.]
When our universe is described as a space-time:
  • The electric field potential is continuous.
When our universe is described as a singularity:
  • The electric field potential approaches infinite strength.
When a static electric field forms for a given space it contains that space and isolates or partially isolates it.  By manipulating the static electric field using magnetic fields:
  • The properties of the waves it contains can be altered:
    • The frequency of waves can be increased or decreased:
      • Inside an expanding field:
        • Frequency is decreased.
      • Outside an expanding field:
        • Frequency is increased.
      • Inside a collapsing field:
        • Frequency is increased.
      • Outside a collapsing field:
        • Frequency is decreased.
    • The speed that waves propagate and their speed limits can be increased or decreased:
      • When reflecting off the inner or outer surface of the field.
    • The energy of propagating waves (their amplitude) can be increased or decreased.
  • The amount of mass something contained in the space has can be increased or decreased:
    • Increased by removing electric potential.
    • Decreased by adding electric potential.
This makes an inertial drive form of propulsion feasible.  A craft would need to convert a large amount of electricity to a static electric field and then to electric potential using extremely large static and non-static magnetic fields.  The resulting decrease in the craft's mass would allow it to be lifted with less thrust than normally is needed.

Appendix of Testable Predictions

  • Getting a telescope outside the region of space-time affected by human activities and measuring the universe's expansion should find no acceleration occurring.
    • It's the loss of electric potential in space local to earth.
    • Decreasing electric potential means space has less elasticity against the gravitational pressure from matter.
    • Space stretches as it loses elasticity which creates the illusion that everything else is accelerating away.
  • A region of space where electric potential is increased relative to another region of space should result in stronger magnetic fields and an electrical generator operated within it should produce more electricity for a given amount of work relative to another.

Appendix of Non-Testable Predictions

The AU (astronomical unit or average distance between the earth and the sun) has been increasing or decreasing at a faster rate than expected or predicted.  This has been kept from the public for the most part (from my understanding).

A theoretical cause for this would be:
  • Our electricity generating infrastructure is removing too much potential from the electric field and not returning enough back.
  • The widespread presence of oscillating current encourages static electric fields to grow enormously once they form and exacerbates the loss of potential.
    • When light strikes a field it causes it to collapse and return potential to the electric field.
  • Inefficiency and losses from our electrical infrastructure mean less potential returned to the electric field.
  • A weakened field means a space-time less able to resist the pressure of gravity.
  • A strengthened field means a space-time more able to resist the pressure of gravity.
  • With mass being the resistance of space-time to gravity this means an object can he expected to behave as though it has more or less mass when encountering such a location.
We actually don't want anything to do with testing this prediction. There's an additional series of events possible which apply to any civilization unlucky or unwise to not catch this in time.

It may also be one possible explanation for the Fermi paradox - why we appear to be the only ones present and accounted for.

Appendix of Updates

  • 2022-05-30 @ 11:40 PM
  • 2022-06-03 @ 09:05 AM
  • 2022-06-18 @ 11:32 PM
  • 2022-08-10 @ 09:19 PM
  • 2023-02-01 @ 07:32 AM
  • 2023-03-06 @ 12:46 PM [added the conditions under which static fields form]

Appendix of Versions