Basis of Gravity

Basis of Gravity

Space is made up of 2 pervasive fields - the electric and magnetic fields.  A third field allows the pair to resonate and we call it gravity or a gravitational field.  What makes this infinitely cyclical is that gravity arises from the electric and magnetic fields.

A gravitational field can exist in 2 different forms.  One form is "regular" matter and the other is anti-matter.  An amount of one has an equivalent mass to the other and can be described as:

  • "Regular" matter = A resonant electric oscillation contained within a static electric field which results in an outer magnetic field.
  • Antimatter = A resonant magnetic oscillation contained within a static magnetic field which results in an outer electric field.
    • This is also the structure of "ball lightning".

At small enough scales, both the electric and magnetic fields become indistinguishable and are then an electromagnetic field.  This is why matter and antimatter are essentially identical though their  field combinations are opposites, will cancel the other out with direct contact, and free their respective resonant oscillations in an "explosion".

Both types of oscillation within their respective fields results in a gravitational field.  Each type of oscillation and field combination has it's own name though - quark and antiquark.  They form the basis of baryonic matter in our Universe.

Relativistic gravity is a relativistic oscillation in a gravity wave and a component of "dark matter").

Gravity and sound are 2 sides of the same coin.

Appendix of Testable Predictions

  1. The distribution of systems with 2 or more neutron stars or singularities should correlate to the distribution of dark matter.

Appendix of Updates

  • 2022-09-04 @ 12:18 AM

Basis of Singularities

Basis of Singularities

Our universe began with a singularity and it will return to one.

All singularities in the universe work to redistribute gravitational energy in a way that contributes to dark matter and dark energy. This holds together galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and larger structures while simultaneously adding gravitational pressure to the expansion of space. Each does this by redistributing gravitational energy back to the point where space came into existence.

All singularities reach back in time this way. It allows the number and size of singularities to balance against the gravitational energy contributed back to the expansion of space. This process accounts for what's considered an early start to the formation of galaxies and larger structures. Because of this redistribution, the expansion of space is non-local and the speed of light is the same everywhere.

As a singularity forms, the following events occur:

Space encompassing the singularity slows any expansion, stops, then begins contracting towards an infinitely small point.

Time slows down, stops, then begins running backward to the moment space came into existence.

The contracting space begins increasing in gravitational energy towards infinite density.

Entropy begins decreasing until it reaches it's lowest state.

At the moment time rewinds to the point where space came into existence:

Space has contracted to a near infinite point.

Gravitational energy has increased to near infinite density.

Time ceases without a space that expands or contracts.

Gravitational energy makes the transition as a singularity forms and a big bang of expanding space is created within it.

The equation e=mc^2 again becomes important during the formation of a singularity. Because space contracts, the value for the speed of light becomes negative. This has no unusual effect for the equation because the value is multiplied with itself. It shows us that as a singularities collapse approaches the beginning of time and space it's mass is converted to an amount of energy approaching infinity. This occurs just as space is approaching an infinite point and time ceases to exist.

Dark matter's observed effects are due to at least 3 sources - oscillating gravitational waves, resonance between waves of similar frequency, and the redistribution of gravitational energy back through time by singularities.  For the first source it's gravitational waves carrying an oscillation which are responsible.  When an oscillation is present in a gravitational wave it imparts relativistic effects as it passes.  Instead of an object accelerated to relativistic velocity, it's space shifting at relativistic velocity due to the oscillation as the gravitational wave passes.  This increases the apparent mass for everything from gas to dust to clusters of galaxies and accounts for the observed deficit.

Any 2 massive objects which orbit one another create gravitational waves as their orbits decay and each falls toward the other.  As their orbits decrease and velocities accelerate toward the speed of light, the gravitational waves become embedded with the relativistic oscillation.  The energy lost this way allows galaxies and clusters of galaxies to hold together as the gravitational waves travel.

Dark energy's observed effects are an illusion and due to 1 source - space-time losing elasticity locally as field potential is lost in some areas and gained in others.  All measurements taken from the vantage point of the earth are effected by this.

Basis of Infinity

Basis of Magnetism

Basis of Magnetism

2022-04-19 @ 03:34 PM

Neutrinos and oscillating current ARE THE SAME thing.

2022-06-24 @ 04:01 PM

A magnetic field is itself a standing/stationary/static wave.

And a static magnetic field has a form opposite that of a static electric field:

  • Static magnetic field = A standing magnetic wave on the outside of a static electric field.
  • Static electric field = A stationary electric charge on the inside of a static magnetic field.

Definition of Terms:

  • Magnetism =
  • Neutrinos =
  • Oscillating current =

Basis of Magnetism

Magnetism makes up half the duality of electromagnetism.

Definition of Terms

  • Magnetism = Oscillations in the magnetic field.

  • Magnetic field = A resonant oscillation in the magnetic field.
  • Magnetic force =
  • Magnetic potential = One half of the electromagnetic potential of space-time.
  • Electric potential = One half of the electromagnetic potential of space-time.
  • Oscillating current (in 3 dimensions) = Resonant current = Magnetic field
  • Oscillating current (in 2 dimensions) = Neutrino
  • Neutrino = An oscillation propagating through the magnetic field (perpendicular to the direction of motion) = Oscillating current (2 or more dimensions of oscillation).

[below may need to go under Basis of Time]
  • Time travel = A loss of synchronization between one space-time and another.
    • Between one space-time region and one contained or isolated within it.
    • Between 2 or more adjoining space-time regions.
    • May be forward or backward forms of time travel though both are relative between any 2 space-time regions.
      • Forward time travel occurs when a space-time experiences a decreased passage of time relative to another.
      • Backward time travel occurs when a space-time experiences an increased passage of time relative to another.

Resonant Magnetic Fields

Potential can be restored or added to the magnetic field (classical) using a resonant configuration of static magnetic fields in the presence of a static electric field.  When potential is increased or decreased it affects matter contained within the affected space by an increase or decrease in mass.

Mass may be described as the pressure exerted on space-time by gravity.

Given a sensitive enough atomic clock, someone in a hurry or jogging for exercise, 2 or 3 permanent magnets (accidentally in adjoining pockets) a change in mass can be inferred.  An individual may or may not recognize this as time travel.

Appendix of Testable Predictions

  1. An atomic clock in a moving vehicle (even one traveling at highway speed limits) compared to a stationary reference atomic clock will become measurably of sync after enough time driving has passed:
    • The length of time or distance needed to achieve the same or greater difference or delta between the moving and stationary atomic clocks can be reduced.
    • The reduction or decrease in the length of time or distance can be determined by strength of power of the magnetic fields used.
    • This can be accomplished by placing the atomic clock in a moving vehicle within a device or apparatus that creates a resonant magnetic field in the presence of a static electric field

Appendix of Updates

  • 2022-06-24 @ 04:01 PM, 04:55 PM, 05:05 PM

Appendix of Versions


Basis of Wormholes

Basis of Wormholes

When a region or area of space-time is confined within a static field, it becomes a contained and separate space.  Such a space can be confined, separated, or divided multiple times within the space-time or singularity of our universe.

[Reference Basis of Static fields - will make more sense then.]

Counterintuitively - also known as backwards - confining space-time this way describes one half of another duality:

  • Static field confinement of space-time.
  • Entanglement of a singularity.

Basis of Matter


Basis of Matter

Our universe sparsely or  contains or is filled with matter.  A manageable theory which explains it as both must be modular and developed in an agile manner.

Our perception of space is little changed for half a century.  There's a very poor reason for that.  But by considering the duality of the universe and the very nature (basis) of singularities, gravity, waves, and reality itself, we can understand things we'd otherwise need to simply accept on their surface value.


Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a space-time and a singularity that we exist in.
  • Electric field = One of the 3 fields which make up space for a universe described as a space-time.  It's the electric force for a universe  described as a singularity.  The field is a function of space-time or space-time arises from it.
  • Magnetic field = One of the 3 fields which make up space for a universe described as a space-time.  It's the magnetic  force for a universe described as a singularity.  The field is a function of space-time or space-time arises from it.
  • Duality field = One of the 3 fields which make up space.  It mediates the transition between waves for a universe described as a space-time and particles for a universe described as a singularity.  Also known as the quantum field or entropy field.
  • Space = The fluctuating oscillation of the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.
  • Mass = The pressure a gravitational field exerts on space. = The resistance of the gravitational wave background against a gravity field moving through it. = The pressure caused by resistance of the gravitational wave background against a gravity field moving through it.
  • Lemniscate =
  • Light = An oscillation propagating through the electric and magnetic fields (oriented perpendicular to each other and to the direction of motion).
  • Speed of light = The speed that space is expanding  or contracting.
    • This makes it's unit of measure: distance / time.
  • Speed of the universe expansion = The speed which space itself is expanding or contracting.
    • This also makes it's unit of measure: distance / time.
    • It's also the speed of light.

The elementary particles physicists have catalogued may or may not be the smallest indivisible things in our universe.

Appendix of Predictions

Appendix of Previous Versions

Basis of Space

Basis of Space

Our universe is a space-time or a singularity.  A manageable theory which explains it as both must be modular and developed in an agile manner.

Our perception of space is little changed for half a century.  There's a very poor reason for that.  But by considering the duality of the universe and the very nature (basis) of singularities, gravity, waves, and reality itself, we can understand things we'd otherwise need to simply accept on their surface value.


Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a space-time and a singularity that we exist in.
  • Electric field = One of the 3 fields which make up space for a universe described as a space-time.  It's the electric force for a universe  described as a singularity.  The field is a function of space-time or space-time arises from it.
  • Magnetic field = One of the 3 fields which make up space for a universe described as a space-time.  It's the magnetic  force for a universe described as a singularity.  The field is a function of space-time or space-time arises from it.
  • Duality field = One of the 3 fields which make up space.  It mediates the transition between waves for a universe described as a space-time and particles for a universe described as a singularity.  Also known as the quantum field or entropy field.
  • Space = The fluctuating oscillation of the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.
  • Mass = The pressure a gravitational field exerts on space. = The resistance of the gravitational wave background against a gravity field moving through it. = The pressure caused by resistance of the gravitational wave background against a gravity field moving through it.
  • Light = An oscillation propagating through the electric and magnetic fields (oriented perpendicular to each other and to the direction of motion).
  • Speed of light = The speed that space is expanding  or contracting.
    • This makes it's unit of measure: distance / time.
  • Speed of the universe expansion = The speed which space itself is expanding or contracting.
    • This also makes it's unit of measure: distance / time.
    • It's also the speed of light.

Space can be described as having a [woven or knitted] [structure or "fabric"].

Knit 1, Pearl 2, Resonate 3. 

Appendix of Predictions

Appendix of Previous Versions

Basis of Resonance

Basis of Resonance

Our universe is built or constructed on resonance.  A manageable theory which explains it must be modular and developed in an agile manner

Our perception of resonance has changed little over the last half a century. decades.  There's a very poor reason for that.  But by considering the duality of the universe and the very nature (basis) of reality itself, we can understand things we'd otherwise need to simply accept on their surface value.


Definition of Terms:
  • Current definition of Resonance = The increase in power or capability (it's actually an increase in amplitude but very few perceive it that way) when one wave is similar enough to another (without being exactly the same) that it can be applied in short small amounts to cause a big effect. = It generates all waves (sine waves) and vibrations.
  • Proposed new definition of Resonance = When 2 or more propagating waves are close enough in frequency or direction that they exchange frequency, amplitude, or direction.  [2023-02-02 @ 03:21 AM]
    • This occurs due to the extremely small  contraction of space as a wave passes.
    • The greater the frequency of the wave the more space contracts.
    • Given that any change in the dimension of space is the passage of time (time moves forward as space expands and backward as space contracts) and waves with greater frequency cause a greater contraction:
      • Waves with greater frequency experience a larger dilation or slow down in time.
      • Waves with lower frequency can then "catch up" to waves with greater frequency.
      • It may seem backwards, but both waves would still be traveling at the same speed.
    • When 3 waves intersect to resonate they can form a corkscrew - a fully resonant wave.  Fully resonant electromagnetic waves (light, radio, etc...) are actually gravitational or gravity waves.
  • Entanglement = When 2 or 3 of something become part of the same resonant wave.
  • Noise =

Resonance has often been described as "getting something for nothing" which isn't true at all.  Given the rest of our understanding of our universe it makes no sense.  Whether that has bothered anyone over the years remains to be seen.

There's a very poor reason that resonance appears misunderstood.  Which may be the same reason more individuals haven't raised a concern about it.

Resonance affects the relative orbits of planets around a star and stars around a galaxy center.  It binds quarks together in 3s to form protons and neutrons.  It determines the shapes of electron orbitals and binds protons, neutrons, and electrons together into atoms.  The 3 body problem turns up again and again but solving it always requires resonance 

For some strange reason it's been slowly written out of physics.  The more accurate term is "stolen".  Which may provide an explanation for why dark matter is so mystifying.  [2023-02-02 @ 03:46 AM]


Science class exercise to demonstrate resonance which can no longer be found in textbooks.

The simplest exact example can be seen using 3 table tennis balls each with 3 disc magnetics placed inside them.


Technology used to [block or drown out] signals used by cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. is based on 2 principles:
  1. Transmit  a stronger and/or closer signal at the sane frequency(s) as the signal being blocked.
  2. Transmit a signal consisting of noise to drown out the signal being blocked  
It's possible to meet both principals as requirements using a single device - a resonant cavity.

Solutions for the 3 body problem can't be described with any set of discrete functions.  The values which would need to be produced are effectively random.  It's why the problem has resisted attempts at analysis.  It also draws attention to the existence of another duality.

  • Resonance
  • Noise

Knowing they're 2 sides of the same coin means mathematics can be on much better terms with random numbers.  It also means that artificial noise (any given form) that we create doesn't resonate because it's not even close to random.

Appendix of Predictions

Appendix of Updates

  • 2023-02-02 @ 03:21 AM
  • 2023-02-02 @ 03:46 AM

Appendix of Previous Versions

Basis of Light

Basis of Light

Our universe is filled with or contains an infinite or countless colors of light.  A manageable theory which explains it must be modular and developed in an agile manner.

Our perception of light is little changed for half a century.  There's a very good reason for that.  But by considering the duality of the universe and the very nature (basis) of space, gravity, and reality itself, we can understand things we'd otherwise need to simply accept on their surface value.


Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a space-time and a singularity that we exist in.
  • Light = An oscillation in the electric and magnetic fields which is perpendicular to the direction of motion.

When our Universe is described as a space-time, light is a wave and space-time is continuous.  When our Universe is described as a singularity, light is a particle and space-time is discrete.

So it's not awareness which determines the nature of light - it's choice.  When an experiment relating to the nature of light is conducted, the experiment chosen constrains how the universe is described which chooses the nature of light.

The speed of light - and all wave types - is affected by the corkscrew path a wave must take when propagating through space.  This is the penalty imposed by the electric field and magnetic field and both field's potential.  But as the universe expands and space continues to expand or stretch, the loss of potential means a straighter path for waves to travel.  It's unknown whether this means a change may occur in the speed of light and other wave types for a given area of space which has expanded but provides a straighter path for waves to propagate.

Appendix of Updates

  • 2022-04-12 @ 02:39 AM
  • 2022-05-09 @ 02:34 PM

Appendix of Previous Versions

Basis of Stars

Basis of Waves

Basis of Waves

Our universe ebbs or flows through electromagnetic force or fields.  A manageable theory which explains them must be modular and developed in an agile manner

Our perception of electromagnetic waves is little changed for half a century.  There's a very poor reason for that.  But by considering the duality of the universe and the very nature (basis) of reality itself, we can understand things we'd otherwise need to simply accept on their surface value.


Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a singularity and space-time we exist in.

  • Waves = Waves aren't as we perceive them.  This can be inferred from the motion of a standing wave.
  • Standing waves = Stationary waves= Static waves = A wave reflecting back along the path it arrived from.
    • Have zero or close to zero net transfer of energy - Any change in the path of a standing wave is automatically compensated for  by the pressure of the wave against space itself.
    • Zero net transfer of energy means electric potential may be transfered as efficiently as possible 
    • Close to zero net transfer of energy means the wave may resonate - this opens up a number of applications.
      • Tractor beans
      • Propulsion
      • Space elevator
      • Artificial gravity
  • Lemniscates =
  • Quark = A lemniscate or 3 lemniscates bound through resonance.  Each lemniscate is a standing wave contained within a static electromagnetic field.

  • Antenna =
  • Antenna static range = Static electric field = The area encompassed by the static electric field generated by an antenna:
    • Waves transmitted by an antenna can only remain intact within an antenna's static range.
    • When the edge of an antenna's static electric field is reached:
      • Some or all of the wave may be reflected back as a standing wave.
      • Some or all of the wave may pass through and de-attenuate into noise.
We may be listening to the wrong type of communication method when searching for signals from other civilizations.

Appendix of Predictions

Appendix of Updates

  • 2022-06-26 @ 03:42 PM
  • 2022-06-26 @ 05:31 PM

Appendix of Previous Versions

Basis of Reality

Basis of Reality

The basis of reality consists of a pair of oscillations which are mediated by a third oscillation which bind the pair so they can resonate.

It sounds too simple to explain the entirety of the reality we find ourselves in.  A few examples are in order.

Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a singularity and space-time we exist in.
  • Resonance =
  • Duality field = Quantum field =


    What works in 2's but even better in 3's?

    Examples below illustrate it's pervasiveness:
    • Space = A mediated resonance following the pattern arising from the basis of reality:
      1. An oscillating electric field.
      2. An oscillating magnetic field.
      3. A mediating oscillation (the duality field, also known as the quantum field) which bind the pair together so they can resonate as Space.

    • Color of light = A mediated resonance following the pattern arising from the basis of reality:
      1. An oscillating wavelength of light (red, green, or blue).
      2. An oscillating wavelength of light (from the remaining of red, green, blue).
      3. A mediating oscillation (from the remaining of red, green, or blue) which bind the pair together so they can resonate as a Color of light.

    • Quark = A lemniscate (see below for an example).  This one's important for the basis of matter though it may or may not be following the pattern arising from the basis of reality (if a quark happens to be composed of 3 lemniscates).  That's why it's included here.

      • Waves aren't as we perceive them.  This can be inferred from the motion of a standing wave.
    • Proton or Neutron = A mediated resonance following the pattern arising from the basis of reality:
      1. An oscillating quark.
      2. An oscillating quark.
      3. A mediating oscillation (another quark) which bind the pair together so they can resonate as a Proton or Neutron.  Physicists replace resonance with a "gluon" here, but we won't count that against them.  Everyone needs glue from time to time.
    • Hydrogen atom = A mediated resonance following the pattern arising from the basis of reality:
      • An oscillating proton.
      • An oscillating electron.
      • A mediating oscillation (a neutron) which bind the pair together so they can resonate as a Hydrogen atom.
    • Helium atom electron shell = A mediated resonance following the pattern arising from the nature (basis) of reality:
      • An oscillating electron.
      • An oscillating electron.
      • A mediating oscillation (the nucleus) which binds the pair together so they can resonate as a Helium atom electron shell.

        • For a helium atom, the nucleus mediates the 2 electrons in a way which might seem backwards.
    • Mind = A mediated resonance following the pattern arising from the basis of reality: (how it's defined is open to interpretation depending on which theory of the mind you favor):
      • An oscillating focus.
      • An oscillating awareness.
      • A mediating oscillation (synchronization) which bind the pair together so they can resonate (as a mind).
    Everything in the universe is constructed this way at all scopes or scales.

    Appendix of Examples

    The example used to define space can be extended to define gravity as well:
    • Gravity = A mediated resonance following a pattern arising from the nature (basis) of reality:
      • A resonant oscillation in the electric field.
      • A resonant oscillation in the magnetic field.
      • A mediating resonant oscillation (the duality field, also known as the quantum field) which binds the pair together so they can resonate as Gravity.
    • The "3 body problem" = A mediated resonance following a pattern arising from the nature (basis) of reality:
      • An oscillating something.
      • An oscillating something.
      • A mediating oscillation (another something) which binds the pair together so they can resonate in a distinctly confusing way.
      • Note:. The "3 body problem" becomes less of a problem when each something's oscillation is taken into account.
    • Teams of 3 = A mediated resonance following a pattern arising from the nature (basis) of reality:
      • An expert member.
      • A novice member
      • A mediating member which binds the pair together so they can resonate as a Team.

    Appendix of Previous Versions

    Appendix of Updates

    • Originally posted on 2022-03-17 @ 04:20 PM
    • Updated several times since
    • Re-published on 2022-04-02 @ 08:54 PM
    • Updated on 2022-05-11 @ 01:08 PM